Calling Coyote: Re-wild the Heart

Calling Coyote: Re-wild the Heart

Q&A’s to Re-wild the Heart
Coyote! Coyote! Coyote!
I have been having a reoccurring dream where I am covered in twisting vines, and as they twist me tighter and tighter, I begin to lose sight of everything around me. Sometimes that is where the dream ends, and other times a young girl (who I assume to be me) comes to me. She is brightest of white lights and just last night she whispered to me, “Release it all, embrace yourself”. What could this mean?
-Dreamer of Dreams
Hello Dreamer,
I can relate to both that dream and the feeling of confusion you are experiencing. The Full Moon in Scorpio definitely threw me for a loop these past weeks! Although our dreams are in fact just figments of our imagination/subconscious, they do have a lot of truth in them, especially as womyn (or femme folks of all presentations and identifications!)- we have such a connection to all things seen and unseen. I can’t tell you what is going on in your life, or who those twisty vines represent, but I can say for sure that folks handling oppression often have a more restricted area to breathe. We are cramped into smaller and smaller boxes, some of us being crammed into the space of a half box or less, being allotted less space than even others, and so on. That sort of restriction can be survived, and we have survived it- sometimes to the detriment of forgetting that we are in a box and that there is space for us if we can take the steps to help each other reclaim our right to space! My suggestion for you this moon cycle is to breathe deep. Yes, just breathe! Pull that rich oxygen deep into your lungs and release it. Take up the space you require, slow down to breathe, make everything revolve around you receiving enough vital life force! Get obsessed with providing that space for yourself, and when you have that space, create more. Find the places where you are cramped and move the energy around.
For extra credit, take Yarrow tincture or flower essence. Drink a tea of Raspberry, Mugwort, and Thyme, add honey for extra heart centered warming. Ask your dreams to bring further insight and bless the information you have already received. Get into nature and share breath with the plants that surround you. Ask the universe for something you don’t think you deserve, and when it shows up, resonate with how blessed your life can be.
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