Tips for Winter Wellness with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Tips for Winter Wellness with Herbalist Amanda Furbee

Amanda Furbee

As the seasons change, so do our needs in wellness. We need some of the same things we need all year, but we also need to shift with the sun. Many folks struggle with seasonal depression, a lack of energy, and emotional well-being in the Winter. 

One thing that’s proven helpful is tracking your emotional cycles to notice when things change for you. Finding a good balance can help to keep your joy bucket full this time of the year. Some things that may be helpful are grabbing a quick walk in the sunshine during the day, allowing yourself to rest as needed, saying no to hectic holiday schedules, or even finding a great organization project at home, a group to join or a craft you enjoy doing inside. Whatever keeps you doing something to bring you good emotional energy, I say go for it.

Here are a few other great tips to work with:

  • Get some sunshine. In the darker months of the year, it is a great practice to soak up a minimum of 15 minutes of sunshine each day. This helps our body create vitamin D, which is essential to our wellness. If you struggle to get enough time in the sun or are deficient in vitamin D, then make sure to take a Vitamin D supplement during the winter months.
  • Rest and recharge. Honor your body and the messages it is sharing with you. It feels natural to want to take it easy and maybe sleep a little longer with the cycle of the year coming to an end. Go ahead and get a little R&R. You deserve it!
  • Move your body. Not to conflict with the R&R, but remember to move your body. Whether that is a quick 20 min walk in the neighborhood or some ecstatic dance in your living room. Your body feels great when you regularly move it. Find time for movement daily. Get the blood flowing - it'll help you stay warm, too!
  • Take your vitamins & herbs. Talk with your herbalist or healthcare provider about what is best for you. Some of my essentials for winter are B12, Vitamin D, and Magnesium for vitamins. For herbs, I love warming and nourishing herbs this time of year. Nettle leaf is one of my favorites. See what might work for you. Curious about an herbal consultation? Join our sliding-scale community clinic. Now offered twice a week! For questions, to set up a consultation, or find out when our next clinic is contact us at or 971-703-4347.
  • Warm your bones. If you are struggling with finding time to move your body, another great option to get the blood flowing is to soak in warm water (a bath, hot spring, etc.) or attend a sauna. Warming up the body can help keep you healthy and improve circulation.
  • Spend time with loved ones. Nothing brings more joy than the people you love. Find some time to hang out with the people that make you feel safe and loved. Sprinkle in a little love where you need it most. It will more than likely benefit the person you are with as well. A double whammy of love!  
  • Check in with your mental health. Do you feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster? I often find when I slow down this time of year, my emotions and things I need to work on come right on up to the surface. It's healthy to feel those things and process as needed. There are many great resources out there to help you with managing these feelings. Connect with a mental health care provider if you think you are needing additional support. 
  • Check out our monthly specials. We selected some blends this month to support your well-being this time of year. Check out our December Monthly Specials.

Stop by our Portland shop and see us to view our complete line of THS Products, create your own custom blend in our blending bar or set up a consultation with me to dive deeper your health needs. To set up an herbal consultation with me, email:

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